Mindful Art Summer Session 1 of 7: “I Am”

Photo by KatarzynaBialasiewicz/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by KatarzynaBialasiewicz/iStock / Getty Images

It is SO important that our kids know WHO THEY ARE and UNDERSTAND THEIR WORTH.
It’s also important that our kids see the invaluable worth of others. Here’s to healthy children who will in turn create a healthier society.
~AJM Ellis

This Week’s Theme: “I AM”

Morning Positive Affirmations Video By SandZ Affirmations: Click HERE

Journal Prompt:

What makes me me?

What are five things I love about myself?

What’s one thing about myself that I’d like to improve or change?

What does it mean to love myself? Why is it important to love myself?

7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey:

Habit #1: Be Proactive

Read Aloud by Weston LAC: “Just the Way I Am”

Visual/Literary Art Project:


I AM Circles & Symbols

“I AM Circles” Steps:

1. Draw a large circle in the center of a sheet of paper.

2. Write and decorate your name in the center of the circle.

3. OUTSIDE of the circle, write words or phrases that you are NOT- things you never want to be called or described as.

4. INSIDE of the circle, write words that describe you and the person you want to be.


“I AM Symbols” Steps:

1. Pick four I AM words or phrases from INSIDE your circle.

2. Choose a symbol to represent these words.

3. On a white index card or on a paper divided into fourths, write and illustrate your I AM word or phrase.

(For help with drawing symbols, plug in “how to draw___” into Youtube search engine.)

*I encourage you to have a discussion about why children choose the words and phrases they choose for their “I AM” and “I AM NOT” spaces.

I’d LOVE to hear from you and see your amazing work!

Feel free to share your work! Tag me on Instagram @PiecesofAJM I’d love to celebrate your work!

Also, if you have any questions or comments about any of the lessons, submit them using the form below.