Summer Learning Plan, Goals and More

In transparency, I’ve allowed myself to get overwhelmed here and there as I close out the current school year, manage everyday life things, and try to plan and prepare for the summer. Fortunately, I’ve been able to pull myself back to a place of calm and perspective: This is not a summer of pressure. This is a summer of intentionality as we ENJOY learning, growing and playing. This is a summer of rest as well…

I’m learning to be gracious with myself as well as set more realistic deadlines and goals for myself. With that said, I plan to really hit the ground running with implementation the week of June 13th. Below you will see a glimpse into my planning and preparing brain. The dates for travel and classes have been changed a little to guard a degree of privacy for my family while still being transparent with what my plan looks like.

The Stars I’m Reaching for…

Our theme is reaching for the stars from our own backyards. These stars/goals are what are guiding my plans and activities.

Your stars may be completely different depending on your family’s needs and your child(ren)’s ages(s).

At a Glance

I broke the summer down into weekly chunks. I’m visual, so this helps me to better conceptualize time and major changes to daily routines. I highlighted weeks that will be more difficult to maintain my learning plan routine (for example summer camp, visiting family, and family vacation). Part of being successful and at peace is setting realistic goals and expectations. In order to do this, I needed to really take into account the impact of changes in schedule and routine. I have to EMBRACE fluctuation AHEAD OF TIME.

The Daily Schedule

Ideally, I want to have structure for Zora between 9-12. This is the time I want to be most intentional about structured learning activities. I personally have online courses and tasks that I need to complete before the next school year. Therefore, I’m depending on structure, routine and naptime to get things done to meet personal goals.

I REALLY want Zora to use a picture schedule this summer. I want to use it as an opportunity to have her prepare mentally and emotionally for what’s coming up in her day. The highlighted parts of the schedules will be icons on her kid-friendly schedule. (Pictures to come soon.)

Ingredient List

Like a recipe, I have a list of ingredients or focus areas that I’m hoping to blend together. You may be able to taste the flavor of a good pound cake- lemon, vanilla, etc. However, you should NOT be able to taste flour, egg, salt separately. Similarly, there are some things that will be distinct activities while others will be infused in play or other tasks/activities. (Examples coming soon.)

The itemized list helps with my planning, gathering and purchasing.

Aware of Needs and Resources

This list will change and evolve as plans and awareness of needs and resources change.

Last But Not Least

My to-do-lists keep me going. So despite my elaborate plans lol, I still need a basic to-do-list to check off so I don’t get lost in the weeds of planning.

Mommy Goals- Parents, Teachers, Caretakers should take themselves into account. The healthier we are, the better care we can give.

Questions: It’s important to know what we don’t know and get help. I can write a lesson plan, but toddlerhood is unchartered territory for me. So I read and listen and allow others who are further along than me to help me navigate. Ultimately we have to do what works for our household. Nevertheless, information is helpful.

“Written hopes, dreams, and plans have a greater chance of coming to fruition than those that stay in our head alone.” AJM Ellis

“Written hopes, dreams, and plans have a greater chance of coming to fruition than those that stay in our head alone.” AJM Ellis